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About WIAL

About the World Institute for Action Learning (WIAL)

The World Institute for Action Learning (WIAL) is an international non-profit organization dedicated to the growth and advancement of Action Learning in business and government.

As the only certifying body for Action Learning, WIAL provides training and certification classes and sponsors Action Learning forums in the United States, Europe and Asia.

In 1995, WIAL co-founder Michael Marquardt met Reg Revans, widely recognized as the father of Action Learning. The two men began a dialogue that led to the development of the WIAL model of Action Learning, which focuses on continual learning. After years of testing, research, and refinement, the model took final form in the renowned six components and two ground rules of Action Learning.

WIAL’s Action Learning approach has elevated the performance of hundreds of organizations worldwide including Microsoft, Caterpillar, Booz Allen Hamilton, Boeing, Samsung, LG Electronics, Alcoa, US Departments of State, Energy, Commerce and Agriculture, Hong Kong Transit, Goodrich, National Institutes of Health, Singapore Airlines, IBM, Nokia, Constellation Energy, Siemens, Posco Steel, International Labor Organization, McKay Foundation, and SulAmerica Insurance. Many universities around the world have incorporated the WIAL model into their curricula and learning methodology.

WIAL promotes Action Learning through forums, certification workshops, professional coaching, research, thought leadership, action learning recognition for individuals and organizations, publications and other initiatives.