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Coach Certification

Why Get Certified?

Research indicates that a key success factor for Action Learning programs is having a trained Action Learning coach at the helm. Increasingly, more organizations want their programs conducted by Certified Action Learning coaches (CALC).

Professionals can enhance their careers and value to their organizations with a certification in Action Learning from WIAL, the certification organization for Action Learning.

There are four levels of certification, each with increased education and requirements.

  • Certified Action Learning Coaches (CALCs) can coach Action Learning sessions
  • Professional Action Learning Coaches (PALCs) have proven their ability as coaches
  • Senior Action Learning Coaches (SALCs) are cleared to lead all WIAL programs
  • Master Action Learning Coaches (MALCs) are considered thought leaders within the Action Learning community.

Action Learning Certification Program

WIAL Hong Kong organizes Action Learning Certification Programs authorized by WIAL. Certified Coaches will be listed in the WIAL and WIAL Hong Kong websites.

Certification by WIAL as an Action Learning Coach requires participation in three two day workshops in which participants build progressively their proficiency in coaching teams engaged in: