CALC Program (13th Intake)
To Be a Certified
Action Learning Coach
Action Learning Coach
Action Learning Certification Program (14th intake)
A worldwide recognized qualification
granted by the World Institute for Action Learning (WIAL)
Action Learning Week
Action Learning
What is Action Learning?
Action Learning is a new way
of thinking, doing business,
and interacting in teams.
Get more out of
your business
your business
See how Action Learning
can benefit individuals, teams,
and organizations.
WIAL is the world’s leading certifying body for Action Learning
Action Learning will impact the way
you work, think, & do business.

World Institute for Action Learning (Hong Kong)
Room 2B-208, Hing Yip Centre, 39 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
Tel: +852 9449 6128
Email: service@wial.hk
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